Bases: pyform.returnseries.ReturnSeries
Creates a constant cash daily returns stream
annualized_return – Annualized return of the cash, in decimals. i.e. 1% annual cash return will be entered as annualized_return=0.01. Defaults to 0.
constant return cash stream
Creates one month libor daily returns from fred data
one month libor daily returns
Bases: pyform.timeseries.TimeSeries
A return series that’s datetime indexed and has one column of returns data
Adds a benchmark for the return series.
A benchmark is useful and needed in order to calculate:
‘correlation’: is the correlation between the return series andthe benchmark ‘beta’: is the CAPM beta between the return series and the benchmark
the benchmark
‘beta’: is the CAPM beta between the return series and the benchmark
benchmark – A benchmark. Should be a ReturnSeries object.
name – name of the benchmark. This will be used to display results. Defaults to “None”, which will use the column name of the benchmark.
Adds a risk free rate for the return series.
A risk free rate is useful and needed in order to calculate:
‘sharpe ratio’
risk_free – A risk free rate. Should be a ReturnSeries object.
name – name of the risk free rate. This will be used to display results. Defaults to “None”, which will use the column name of the risk free rate.
Computes annualized return of the series
method – method to use when compounding return. Defaults to “geometric”.
include_bm – whether to compute annualized return for benchmarks as well. Defaults to True.
meta –
whether to include meta data in output. Defaults to False. Available meta are:
method: method used to compound annualized return
start: start date for calculating annualized return
end: end date for calculating annualized return
annualized return results with the following columns
name: name of the series field: name of the field. In this case, it is ‘annualized return’for all value: annualized return value, in decimals
name: name of the series
for all
value: annualized return value, in decimals
Data described in meta will also be available in the returned DataFrame if meta is set to True.
Computes annualized volatility of the series
freq – Returns are converted to the same frequency before volatility is compuated. Defaults to “M”.
include_bm – whether to compute annualized volatility for benchmarks as well. Defaults to True.
method – {‘sample’, ‘population’}. method used to compute volatility (standard deviation). Defaults to “sample”.
compound_method – method to use when compounding return. Defaults to “geometric”.
freq: frequency of the series
method: method used to compute annualized volatility
start: start date for calculating annualized volatility
end: end date for calculating annualized volatility
annualized volatility results with the following columns
name: name of the series field: name of the field. In this case, it is ‘annualized volatility’for all value: annualized volatility value, in decimals
value: annualized volatility value, in decimals
Calculates correlation of the return series with its benchmarks
freq – Returns are converted to the same frequency before correlation is compuated. Defaults to “M”.
method –
{‘pearson’, ‘kendall’, ‘spearman’}. Defaults to “pearson”.
pearson : standard correlation coefficient
kendall : Kendall Tau correlation coefficient
spearman : Spearman rank correlation
compound_method – {‘geometric’, ‘arithmetic’, ‘continuous’}. Defaults to “geometric”.
freq: frequency used to compute correlation
method: method used to compute correlation
start: start date for calculating correlation
end: end date for calculating correlation
total: total number of data points in returns series
skipped: number of data points skipped when computing correlation
ValueError – when no benchmark is set
correlation results with the following columns
benchmark: name of the benchmark field: name of the field. In this case, it is ‘correlation’ for all value: correlation value
benchmark: name of the benchmark
field: name of the field. In this case, it is ‘correlation’ for all
value: correlation value
Computes rolling annualized returns of the series
window – the rolling window. Defaults to 36.
freq – Returns are converted to the same frequency before annualized return is compuated. Defaults to “M”.
compound_method – method to use when compounding return to desired frequency. Defaults to “geometric”.
include_bm – whether to compute rolling annualized returns for benchmarks as well. Defaults to True.
dictionary of rolling annualized returns
key: name of the series value: rolling annualized returns, in a datetime indexed pandasdataframe
key: name of the series
Computes rolling volatility (standard deviation) of the series
include_bm – whether to compute rolling volatility for benchmarks as well. Defaults to True.
dictionary of rolling annualized volatilities
key: name of the series value: rolling annualized volatilities, in a datetime indexedpandas dataframe
pandas dataframe
Computes rolling total return of the series
freq – frequency of the series. Defaults to “M”.
include_bm – whether to compute rolling total return for benchmarks as well. Defaults to True.
method – method to use when compounding total return. Defaults to “geometric”.
dictionary of rolling total returns
key: name of the series value: rolling total returns, in a datetime indexed pandas dataframe
value: rolling total returns, in a datetime indexed pandas dataframe
Computes Sharpe ratio of the series
freq – Returns are converted to the same frequency before Sharpe ratio is compuated. Defaults to “M”.
risk_free – the risk free rate to use. Can be a float or a string. If is float, use the value as annualized risk free return. Should be given in decimals. i.e. 1% annual cash return will be entered as annualized_return=0.01. If is string, look for the corresponding DataFrame of risk free rate in self.risk_free. self.risk_free can be set via the add_rf() class method. Defaults to 0.
include_bm – whether to compute Sharpe ratio for benchmarks as well. Defaults to True.
risk_free: the risk free rate used
start: start date for calculating Sharpe ratio
end: end date for calculating Sharpe ratio
Sharpe ratio with the following columns
names: name of the series field: name of the field. In this case, it is ‘Sharpe ratio’for all value: Shapre ratio value
names: name of the series
value: Shapre ratio value
Computes total return of the series
include_bm – whether to compute total return for benchmarks as well. Defaults to True.
method: method used to compound total return
start: start date for calculating total return
end: end date for calculating total return
total return results with the following columns
name: name of the series field: name of the field. In this case, it is ‘total return’ for all value: total return value, in decimals
field: name of the field. In this case, it is ‘total return’ for all
value: total return value, in decimals
Converts return series to monthly frequency.
method – compounding method. Defaults to “geometric”.
return series, in monthly frequency
Converts return series to a different (and lower) frequency.
freq – frequency to convert the return series to. Available options can be found here.
compounding method when converting to lower frequency.
’geometric’: geometric compounding (1+r1) * (1+r2) - 1
(1+r1) * (1+r2) - 1
’arithmetic’: arithmetic compounding r1 + r2
r1 + r2
’continuous’: continous compounding exp(r1+r2) - 1
exp(r1+r2) - 1
return series in desired frequency
Converts return series to quarterly frequency.
return series, in quarterly frequency
Converts return series to weekly frequency.
return series, in weekly frequency
Converts return series to annual frequency.
return series, in annual frequency
Bases: object
TimeSeries is a representation of a form of data that changes with time.
For a timeseries object, time index should be unique, meaning it would only accept a “wide” dataframe and not a “long” dataframe.
Args:df: a dataframe with datetime index, or a ‘date’/’datetime’ column
df: a dataframe with datetime index, or a ‘date’/’datetime’ column
Aligns daterange of the incoming series with the main series
series – series’ to align daterange for
Creates a time series object from a csv file
path – path to the csv file
a TimeSeries object
Creates a time series object from a Excel file
using this method requires additional dependency openpyxl
path – path to the Excel file
sheet_name – the index or name of the sheet to read in. Defaults to 0.
Resets TimeSeries to its initial state
Sets the period of the series we are interested in.
start – the start date, in YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS, hour is optional. Defaults to None.
end – the end date, in YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS, hour is optional. Defaults to None.